Unconscious bias, Diversity and Anti-Racism Training

Our training is delivered with plenty of practical activities and experiential learning which involves active participation and dialogue.

The 3 stage training programme is designed to be in depth and bespoke to your organisation, delivered over a longer period of time, and supporting internal changes.

Our offer is not a solely Unconscious Bias training offer. Unconscious Bias is only the start of the topics covered in our programme. Designed to be in depth and bespoke to each organisation we work with, our Unconscious bias, Diversity and Anti-Racism training allows us to provide an effective and impactful approach which supports long term change.

After each stage we also provide a handout which recaps the session topics and tools and also provides additional information and tools to consider. Along with resources to continue participants self-led learning.

Stage 1: Unpacking Unconscious Bias.

An introductory session: a structured exploration and conversation on the theme of unconscious bias and cultural diversity.

Topics include:

  • Unconscious and conscious Bias

  • Privilege and Allyship

  • Protected characteristics.

  • Individual and organisational cultural identity

Stage 2:Language and Behaviours of Unconscious bias

A more focused session on recognising languages and behaviours of Racism.

We provide separate and additional stage 2a training for participants that identify as being from an African and Caribbean heritage, East, South and South East Asian heritage, and of Mixed heritage (see below).

Topics include:

  • Recognising our own languages and behaviours that are harmful to others.

  • Intentional or unintentional microaggressions and the impact of these on others (impact vs intent).

  • What does a real apology look like?

  • Identifying barriers that block solutions to an inclusive workplace.

  • Stage 2a: For Ethnically Diverse participants who identify as being from an African and Caribbean heritage, East, South and South East Asian heritage, and of Mixed heritage.

    This additional stage 2 provides strategies for dealing with racial biases and indignities, and identifying the tools to feel confident in challenging these.

    Topics include:

    • The experiences of indignities and how we can find strength to call these out.

    • Managing the difference between your individual culture and the culture of the organisation, how this may impact on your work, relationship with your employer and colleagues?

    • What support is available within the organisation and beyond?

    • The emotional impact of microaggressions and how we might manage this.

    • How we respond to microaggressions (verbal and action).

  • Stage 3: Solutions focused training.

    Identifying the barriers that prohibit an inclusive workplace, and the tools that are available or needed to remove these, both as individuals and as an institution. At the end of this session participants will come away with:

    • Tools for appropriate and effective intervention.

    • Confidence to use these tools accordingly

    • Identifying what areas needs further support from the organisations senior leadership team.

    We are currently not taking training requests. If you have a training related enquiry, please contact amelia@talawa.com

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