
We've had an incredible response and are fully booked into early May, but will look into organising some more sessions as soon as we're able. We'll let you know when more dates become available.

  • Ifrah Ismail is Talawa's New Work Producer. 

    "Hey there, my name is Ifrah and I'm the New Work Producer at Talawa. I'm holding 30 minute one-to-one's on Zoom for Black British writers who would like to talk about playwriting. 

    We can chat about a play that you might be working on at the moment, I might be able to offer some writing advice.

    Sign up via the doodle below. When signing up, please send me an email so I can send you the zoom invitation and let me know what you might want to discuss. 

    You can also send through up to 5 pages of writing, so I can get a sense of your style."


    Book your one-to-one using Doodle:

  • Are you a Black writer? Talawa's free Script Reading Service provides feedback and support to emerging Black writers across the UK

  • TYPT is Talawa’s flagship programme for emerging Black theatre makers aged 18 to 25 - applications are open now. 

    How it works

    Between May and December 2020, a team of Black emerging artists aged 18-25 will work with established artists to create a brand new show. 

    Whether as a performer, stage manager, designer or technician emerging artists will gain invaluable experience of professional theatre.  Every element of the process will be open to the community of emerging artists, from initial production meetings to script development sessions; from meetings with graphic designers to the get-out.

    It just needs you

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